Monday, November 22, 2010


                              About four year ago. I went  with my family to the sea . My brother challenged me to swim for long distance in the sea . I agreed of this Challenge and i sped to the sea to swim . I swim of long distanc .When i looked to back i do not  see the beach . I was  very feared also i was happy to win of his challenge .The adventure was very wonderful . I do not forget that day in my life .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Eman for posting your adventurous story. It's quite interesting but I noticed a number of grammatical errors :(

    Kindly try to correct them. Also, I would like to explain here that that the term "Ecotourism" is actually related to a trip or an adventure journey when people try to have fun while exploring a certain environment. For example, the travel to Antarctica that is mentioned in Reading 2 in Unit 4 of our textbook, NorthStar. So, it would be great if you could tell us what kind of environmental discovery or exploration you had done four years ago through your trip to the sea and swimming activity.

    Thanks, again, Eman for trying and for your good work. See you in class, tomorrow :)

    Love & Peace!
